Get Your MC License the Easy Way

Save your­self an extra trip to the DMV. Do it right the first time.

Motor­cy­cle Road Test Scooter Rentals

NJ Rent A Scooter has helped count­less rid­ers earn their motor­cy­cle license for over 16 years and is the lead­ing rental author­ity in the tri-​state area for motor­cy­cle road test scooter rentals. We have the solu­tion to the most com­mon prob­lems rid­ers face when tak­ing the motor­cy­cle road test.

Our staff is com­prised of highly trained and pas­sion­ate rid­ers that aim to pro­vide the best ser­vice to our diverse clien­tele. NJRAS is com­mit­ted to pro­mot­ing the act of safe rid­ing and gen­eral motor­cy­cle aware­ness cou­pled with the absolute free­dom that only a two-​wheeled vehi­cle can pro­vide on an open road.

Step 1

You will be met by a licensed rider with a fully auto­matic 250cc scooter at the DMV of your choice 30 min­utes prior to your road test appoint­ment for gear check and credentials.

Step 2

Every bike rides dif­fer­ently. You will have some time to famil­iar­ize your­self with the bike and what you will be expected to do for the exam.

*New and inex­pe­ri­enced rid­ers are urged to con­tact the Motor­cy­cle Safety Foun­da­tion to learn how to ride safely.

Step 3
Test Your Skills

Once you feel con­fi­dent in your abil­ity to com­plete the exer­cises, we accom­pany you to the test facil­ity and show you where to line up to wait for an instruc­tor with the required documents.

Feedback from our clients


  • EDWIN IS THE MAN! Thank you so much for explain­ing every­thing. I really appre­ci­ate it.

    Julian C
  • Hi. Is it pos­si­ble to pick the scooter up from you, go take the test and then bring it back? Rather than hav­ing one of your folks accom­pany me to the DMV etc? I already know where to line up snd what to do. I’m an expe­ri­enced rider for the last four decades. I just moved back to NJ. I am famil­iar with the test­ing process etc. I have my per­mit. Thanks Jim

  • Edwin thank you so much, very pro­fes­sional and great ser­vice. Good luck and drive safe.
